All of us graduates during the processional into the Marriott Center. It turned out to be a beautiful day for graduation!
Although you can't see my cap, I was tossing it joyously into the air. It was a great moment!
My College - the David M. Kennedy Center for International Studies. I'm pretty sure we had the coolest graduation on campus . It was pretty short. We had a Venezuelan group that performed during the ceremony and we had a delicious little latino luncheon after.
Thanks to the padres who helped me get to this point. I love BYU...and my parents of course!!
Cheri - one of my awesome sisters who has always been a faithful friend and a good support throughout the exciting yet sometimes frustrating college years.
Thanks Jenni and Lizzie for getting up at the crack of dawn to come support me. It really meant a lot. I love my family! I don't think I would've made it throughout college without their friendships and encouraging words.
These have been some of the best...7 years, haha.
These have been some of the best...7 years, haha.